Typhoid fever is a systemic infection characterized by continued fever, malaria, anorexia, slow pulse, involvement of lymphoid tissues, especially ulceration of Peyer's patches, enlargement of spleen, rose spots on trunk and diarrhea. Many mild typical infections are often unrecognized. A usual fatality of 10% is reduced to 2 to 3% by antibiotic therapy.
Etiologic Agent: Salmonella typosa, typhod bacillus
Source of Infection: Feces and urine of infected persons. Family contacts may be transient carrier. Carrier state is common among persons over 40 years of age especially females.
Mode of Transmission: Direct or indirect contact with patient or carrier. Principal vehicles are food and water. Contamination is usually by hands of carrier. Flies are vectors.
Incubation Period: Variable; average 2 weeks, usual range 1 to 3 weeks.
Period of Communicability: As long as typhoid bacili appear in excreta; usually from appearance of prodromal symptoms from first week throughout convalescence.
Susceptibility, Resistance and Occurence: Susceptibility is general although many adults appear to acquire immunity through unrecognized infections. Attacks rates decline with age after second or third decades. A high degree of resistance usually follows recovery.
Methods of Prevention and Control: Same preventive and control measures as in Dysentery and in addition, immunization with a vaccine of high antigenecity. Education of the general public and particularly the food handlers.
Public Health Nursing Responsibility: Teach members of the family how to report all symptoms to the attending physician especially when patient is being cared for at home. Tech, guide and supervise members of the family on nursing techniques which will contribute to the patient's recovery.
Interpret to family nature of disease and need for practicing preventive and control measures.
Nursing Care
Demonstrate to family how to give bedside care, such as tepid sponge, feeding, changing of bed linen, use of bedpan and mouth care.
Any bleeding from the rectum, blood in stools, sudden acute abdominal pain, restlessness, falling of temperature should be reported at once to the physician or the patient should be brought at once to the hospital.
Take T.P.R. and teach family member how to take and record same.
Etiologic Agent: Salmonella typosa, typhod bacillus
Source of Infection: Feces and urine of infected persons. Family contacts may be transient carrier. Carrier state is common among persons over 40 years of age especially females.
Mode of Transmission: Direct or indirect contact with patient or carrier. Principal vehicles are food and water. Contamination is usually by hands of carrier. Flies are vectors.
Incubation Period: Variable; average 2 weeks, usual range 1 to 3 weeks.
Period of Communicability: As long as typhoid bacili appear in excreta; usually from appearance of prodromal symptoms from first week throughout convalescence.
Susceptibility, Resistance and Occurence: Susceptibility is general although many adults appear to acquire immunity through unrecognized infections. Attacks rates decline with age after second or third decades. A high degree of resistance usually follows recovery.
Methods of Prevention and Control: Same preventive and control measures as in Dysentery and in addition, immunization with a vaccine of high antigenecity. Education of the general public and particularly the food handlers.
Public Health Nursing Responsibility: Teach members of the family how to report all symptoms to the attending physician especially when patient is being cared for at home. Tech, guide and supervise members of the family on nursing techniques which will contribute to the patient's recovery.
Interpret to family nature of disease and need for practicing preventive and control measures.
Nursing Care
Demonstrate to family how to give bedside care, such as tepid sponge, feeding, changing of bed linen, use of bedpan and mouth care.
Any bleeding from the rectum, blood in stools, sudden acute abdominal pain, restlessness, falling of temperature should be reported at once to the physician or the patient should be brought at once to the hospital.
Take T.P.R. and teach family member how to take and record same.